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Exchange Rates Auto-Update

⭐ Available in PRO VERSION

Currency exchange rates in Settings > Exchange rates can be automatically updated via external service (

Setup guide

To set it up, follow the instructions below.


If you have any problems setting it up, contact me via email or 𝕏 (Twitter).

INFO account is required. Free plan is sufficient this basic usage.

  1. Setup account and sign in

  2. Create a new scenario (button in the top right corner)

    Create new scenario

  3. Download and save the scenario blueprint exchange-rates-make-blueprint.json from Settings > Exchange ratest in your template.

    Download the scenario blueprint

  4. Import the blueprint using the controls at the bottom of the scenario screen

    Import the scenario blueprint

  5. Now the scenario should look like this

    Initial scenario

  6. Click on the first Notion (Search Objects) module and click Add button to add new Notion connection.

    Add new connection

  7. Select Notion Public as connection type, set the connection name and click save.

    Set up connection

  8. It will open a new browser window where you will log in to your Notion account if not already logged in. After that, select the Recurring payments page and click Allow access.

    If you don’t see the page, ensure you have selected the correct workspace at the top right.

    Allow Notion access

  9. Once the connection is saved, the module setting should look like this. Now we need to update the Database ID to one in your notion page. Click the Search button next to the database ID input.

    Select database

  10. Enter the database name "Exchange rates" (be careful to type it correctly) into the Query Search input and click OK.

    Enter database name

  11. The database ID should update to the new one. If yes, continue to step 12.


    If you encounter the error, try it again and check the spelling of the Query Search. If it still doesn’t work, you can try to enter the database ID manually.

    Enter the database ID manually
    1. Go to Settings > Exchange rates, click ... in a database view and then click Copy link to view.

      Copy link to database view

    2. The copied link contains the database id. It is placed between / and ?
    3. Copy the database ID from your database link and paste it in the Database ID input in the scenario (do not care about dashes, they are placed here automatically)

      Copy database ID

  12. After the database ID is set correctly, click OK in the module settings.

  13. Now click the on the last Notion (update a database item) module.

    Set up "update database item" module

  14. Click the little down arrow and choose the connection we set up previously.

    Choose previous connection

  15. Click OK. The scenario is not set up.

  16. To check if it works, click Run once in the bottom left.

    Run it first

  17. If everything went fine, you should see this (no warning signs in the bubbles with numbers)

    Final scenario

    and the log should look like this

    Scenario log

  18. Now is the time to schedule the scenario. By default it is set up to run every 15 minutes, it is too often. Run it once per day is sufficient enough. Click on the Every 15 minutes under the Run once button. Set the Run scenario to Every day and adjust the Time to 12:00, then click OK.

    Schedule scenario

    Toggle the scheduling ON

    Toggle scheduling ON


    Keep in mind when scheduling the scenario, the free plan is limited to 1,000 Ops/month. The scenario consumes 7 ops if you have 3 currencies in the exchange rates table.

  19. Don’t forget to save the scenario

    Save scenario

Now, we are finished! 🎉